A Message from MedStar Health to GOCA

Thanks so much for your outreach today and for your offer of assistance – it is greatly appreciated!  Please see the information on our two COVID-19 Funds:

MedStar Health has established an Associate Emergency Support Fund with an initial contribution of $2 million. This fund will be used to support the emergency and crisis situations in which associates may find themselves during this time. This fund—specifically for non-management associates—is intended to supplement relief already granted by the State of Maryland and Washington, D.C.

In order to remain diligent in our testing and treatment capabilities, we have established the COVID-19 Critical Needs Fund. This fund will ensure that essential future resources as designated by our caregivers’ instruction and that patient needs are secured. As we continue to treat our community over the next few weeks and months, our hospitals’ needs may become varied. The COVID-19 Critical Needs Fund provides the necessary flexibility to meet the ever-changing and growing requirements to remain at the forefront of diagnosing and treating this disease. This philanthropy supported fund will help us take the following actions:

  • Procuring additional personal protection equipment (PPE) to keep our caregivers safe 
  • Purchasing additional lifesaving ventilators
  • Increasing retrofitted patient rooms with negative pressure equipment
  • Expanding care capacity through tent testing sites at hospitals and other locations
  • Creating drive-through and walkup testing locations to increase accessibility for our communities
  • Preparing for other needed costs directly associated with this crisis as they present themselves

Further information can be found here. I’ve also attached this information in a PDF as well which lists the materials that can be donated.

Let me know if you have any questions. Thank you again for your offer of support and partnership!!