Police (SROs) in schools – a good or bad idea?

The County Executive’s current budget removes School Resource Officers (SROs) in all high schools. Security in our schools is under review and there are different County Council bills involving the roles of SROs. 

GOCA is holding a Zoom information session on Thursday, April 8 at 7 pm.  We urge those involved with the schools (teachers, students, administrators, and parents) to participate and we invite the community at large to engage. You will have the opportunity to learn about this issue and share your experiences and thoughts. Both County Executive Elrich and a School Resource Officer (SRO) will participate.

This information session is sponsored by the Greater Olney Civic Association (GOCA) which is an umbrella organization with representatives from over 30 civic and homeowner’s associations whose mission is to advocate for the Olney community. 

Links to some background information:

County Council Bill 7-21 (Building Positive Law Enforcement Relationships Within Schools

County Council Public Hearing on Bill 7-21

County Council Bill 46-20 (Prohibiting SROs)

County Council Public Hearing on Bill 46-20

MCPD School Resource Officer Program FAQ Document

Reimagining Public Safety Task Force Recommendations Report

SRO discussion starts on page 26

Averting Targeted School Violence – from the National Threat Assessment Center

Is MoCo Ready to Reimagine the Police? – from The Seventh State

Board of Education Meeting Memorandum 1/12/2021