Olney Community & COVID-19 – How to Help

Olney is a special place because the people who live here care.  For many of us, the financial impact of the defensive measures against the COVID-19 virus are large and increasing.  Two 501(c)(3) organizations in Olney are in a position to help support the greater Olney community: Olney Help and the Olney Civic Fund.  With the current pandemic, these two organizations have assumed a new importance.

 How you can help:

1.   Contribute financially to Olney Help.


Olney Help provides Olney residents with financial aid for preventing foreclosure/eviction,  helping prevent the cut-off of utilities and for purchasing essential medications.

In addition, Olney Help provides food assistance to individuals and families in need. Under normal circumstances, food donations can be made at Olney Help Food Donation sites. However, under the present circumstances, these Food Donation sites are closed.  In addition, with schools closed and bus service limited, it is hard for some families to utilize the school lunch programs.  Therefore, the only way to provide food assistance for these Olney residents is by financial contributions (cash or grocery store gift cards). Over 95% of every dollar goes directly to the people in need. 

2.  Contribute your time to Olney Help.


Olney Help needs you to answer phones and/or deliver food.

3.  Contribute financially to the Olney Civic Fund.


Select “donate.”  This organization aggregates charitable donations in order to make meaningful contributions to the several non-profit organizations in Olney.  Credit card donations are made through a secure PayPal process. Send as a friend in order to avoid fees. Let us know in the note section how you would like to list your name or if you would rather remain anonymous. 

Thank you to everyone in the greater Olney community who has reached out asking how to help.


            Olney es un pueblo especial porque los ciudadanos se preocupan por su projimo. Las medidas tomadas por las autoridades en contra de la enfermedad del Coronavirus2019 (siglas en ingles COVID-19) han tenido un impacto negativo sobre los empleos y las finanzas de mucha gente de Olney.  Para aquellos que quieren ayudar, hay dos organizaciones carititativas locales que aceptan contribuciones.  Estas son Olney Help y Olney Civic Fund.

 Olney Help

            Esta prove ayuda financiera para prevenir ejecuciones hipotecarias (forclosures), el paro de los servicios de agua y luz, y para la compra de medicinas.  Tambien prove asistencia alimentaria para las familias impactadas. Su telefono es 301 774-4334.

Usted puede hacer una donacion monetaria usando el sitio web


Usted puede contribuir su tiempo para contestar el telefono y/o entregar alimentos.   Visite el    sitio web


 Olney Civic Fund

            Esta organizacion agrega contribuciones caritativas para ofrecer ayuda a las varias organizaciones no lucrativas (“non-profits”) que existen la Olney (por ejemplo: Winter Growth, Our House).

            Usted puede contribuir dinero al Olney Civic Fund visitando el sitio web   https://www.olneycivicfund.org/   y  escogiendo  “Donate.”  Las contribuciones hechas con tarjeta de credito se procesan por    “PayPal” por razones de seguridad. Si usa este mecanismo, haga la contribucion como un  “friend” (amigo) para evitar tarifas.

Gracias a todos los residentes de la comunidad por su ayuda.

Esta informacion se puede obtener en el sitio web de GOCA: www.goca.org 

Nuestra direccion postal es:  Box 212, US Post Office, Olney MD 20830.